Saturday 17 May 2014

Ais Krim Goreng

                                                             Assalamualaikum sahabat...:)

Buat kali ini,,saya ingin berkongsi cara-cara untuk membuat aiskrim goreng..
Memandangkan sejak dua menjak ini, aiskrim goreng sangat popular..

Jom saksikan video ini untuk mengetahui cara-cara membuatnya..

Antara bahan-bahan yang diperlukan ialah :
4)Minyak secukupnya untuk menggoreng

Tunggu apa lagi..? Ayuh bersama-sama kita buat ^_^

Wednesday 30 April 2014

Oreo Cheesecake ^_^

Assalamualaikum sahabat-sahabat..:)
Kali ini saya akan berkongsi satu resepi iaitu Oreo Cheesecake..
Sahabat-sahabat semua suka oreo?
*bila nak jawab persoalan ini? hihi
Haa..ada seorang sahabat saya ni..Ada Syuhada namanya..
Suka sangat oreo..
So,syuhada sila tonton video ini dan praktikkannya..
Jom kita tengok video ni dan sama-sama praktikkan..:)

                                                                 ~ ~ ~ oreo ~ ~ ~

                                           URL :

Stepnya sangat mudah..
Jangan lupa untuk mencuba..
Sehingga berjumpa lagi..

Semoga ALLAH menjaga sahabat-sahabat semua..:)

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Kek Batik

Assalamualaikum sahabat-sahabat semua..
Lama rasanya tak update blog..
ok,untuk kali ni,,saya ingin berkongsi cara-cara untuk membuat kek batik..!!
melihatkan kepada cara-caranya,ianya sangat mudah..
Jom kita buat sama-sama..^_^

ni URL :

Dah tengok video ni?
Hari raya pon dah nak dekat ni..
Boleh la kita sama-sama buat untuk dihidangkan kepada keluarga tercinta dan tetamu yang datang..
Tak sabar pulak nak raya..*puasa pon belum..haha..
Jom,,practise make perfect..^_^

ok,melalui video ini, kismis turut dijadikan salah satu bahan yang dimasukkan,,so,,apa khasiat kismis sahabat-sahabat semua?

Jom kita baca khasiat kismis..!

Gelap, kulit yang kering dan kecut.
Itulah pandangan pertama kita apabila terbayangkan kismis. Walaupun rupanya sedemikian rupa, kismis adalah makanan alternatif kepada gula-gula. Kismis dihasilkan daripada buah anggur yang telah dikeringkan melalui kaedah haba matahari atau haba kering. Ia mungkin agak manis namun ia mempunyai manfaat yang baik dari sudut kesihatan.
Kandungan nutrisi di dalam kismis
Kismis kaya dengan garam mineral dan vitamin-vitamin yang baik untuk tubuh. Antaranya ialah:
Garam mineral
  • Magnesium – baik untuk sistem saraf, fungsi otot dan penukaran gula kepada tenaga.
  • Kalsium dan fosforus – membina tulang dan gigi yang baik.
  • Zat besi – membantu pembinaan sel-sel darah merah dan tisu-tisu badan yang rosak.
  • Kalium – mengoptimum kadar denyutan jantung supaya sentiasa normal dan mengekalkan tekanan darah.
  • Vitamin C – Penting untuk pembentukan kolagen dan penyerapan zat besi ke dalam badan.
  • Vitamin B6 – Mencegah pengekalan air dan membolehkan penukaran karbohidrat kepada tenaga.
  • Vitamin K – Diperlukan untuk pembekuan darah yang normal dan sintesis protein yang terdapat di dalam plasma, tulang, dan buah pinggang.
  • Folat – Membentuk sel-sel darah merah dan penting dalam peredaran darah ke seluruh tubuh.
  • Riboflavin – membantu dalam pelepasan tenaga untuk sel-sel badan dan membolehkan pemecahan lemak di dalam badan
Makanan untuk otak
Salah satu manfaat kismis yang menarik adalah ia baik untuk kecerdasan minda. Kismis mengandungi kandungan mineral surih bernama boron yang merupakan mineral penting untuk fungsi otak yang baik. Boron mampu meningkatkan penumpuan, koordinasi tangan dan mata serta meningkatkan memori. Selain itu, boron juga membantu menggalakkan fungsi mineral penting seperti kalsium dan magnesium.
Membantu mengurangkan sembelit.
Serat yang tinggi dalam kismis adalah sangat bermanfaat untuk fungsi sistem pencernaan berjalan dengan lancar. Satu cawan kismis mengandungi kira-kira 10 g serat yang boleh membantu tubuh badan anda dari bahan-bahan toksik yang berbahaya dengan membersihkan kolon atau usus dan melawaskan pembuangan air.
Selain itu, kismis juga mempunyai manfaat-manfaat lain seperti:
· Melindungi hati
· Melawan bakteria mulut yang menyebabkan pereputan gigi.
· Membantu sebagai penerang hati
· Membantu mengurangkan stress
· Membantu merawat penyakit anemia
· Membantu merawat masalah pelupa

Snek yang lazat dan berkhasiat.
Oleh kerana kandungan serat yang tinggi dan kalori yang rendah, kismis juga boleh dijadikan makanan ringan yang baik. Tenaga daripada gula ringkas iaitu fruktosa dilepaskan secara berperingkat-peringkat untuk memudahkan seseorang yang aktif kekal bertenaga sepanjang masa. Oleh sebab itu, mereka yang sering berfikir dan menggunakan fikiran amat digalakkan untuk mengambil kismis.
Kebaikan kismis menurut perspektif Islam.
Kismis sememangnya sinonim dengan pelajar-pelajar yang menuntut di seolah tahfiz dan pondok. Ini kerana sudah sekian lama, ulama-ulama dahulu sudah mengetahui kebaikan kismis ini kerana ia baik untuk hafalan dan kecerdasan minda.
Kismis dibacakan dengan ayat-ayat suci al-Quran untuk memudahkan pelajar mendapatkan zat-zat yang diperlukan untuk otak, malah juga boleh menerangkan hati.
Membaca al-Quran adalah di antara salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan kecerdasan otak. Di antara surah-surah yang boleh diamalkan adalah:
  • Baca ayat 25 – 28, Surah Taha sebanyak 21 kali setiap hari selepas Solat Subuh bagi kecerdasan otak, akal yang sempurna, menguatkan daya ingatan dan menambah ilmu pengetahuan.
  • Baca surah al-Hasyr ayat 21supaya mudah mengingat apa yang dibaca.
  • Membaca surah al-Insyirah 11 kali selepas solat Subuh.
  • Membaca surah al-Anbiya ayat 79 sebelum matahari terbit sebanyak 10 kali.
  • Membaca Bismillah enam untuk menerangkan hati dan mencerahkan akal.
Kismis sememangnya baik untuk kesihatan. Jika anda gemarkan snek yang berkhasiat, cuba tukar menu anda dari makanan ringan seperti coklat dan dan gula-gula kepada kismis. Ia bukan sahaja sedap malah mengenyangkan.
copy paste dari sumber :  ^_^..
Sehingga bertemu lagi sahabat-sahabat semua..
Semoga sentiasa di dalam perlindungan Allah..

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Cheese cake..^_^

Hello blogger..
Today i would like to share with you all about cheese..:)

Cheese is loved by one and all. Be it any type of cheese – Blue, Monterey Jack, Brie, Cheddar, Swiss, Gouda, American cheese, etc, it is a favorite amongst many. Cheese is always related as a fatty food product and less is known about its health benefits. But, this tasty food is very nutritious and has many health benefits.
So,let's us try this recipe..practise make perfect..aja aja fighting..!!

It contains a good amount of proteins, Vitamin A, riboflavin, calcium, phosphorous, zinc, and       VitaminB12. And the different cheese benefits are not just for your health but also skin and hair.

      Let us look at the top 14 benefits of eating cheese.

        Benefits of Cheese:

    1. Cavity Prevention:

    It is a very rich source of calcium which is the most important thing for strong teeth. Cheese has a           lower content of lactose which harms teeth. Eating cheese like Blue, Monterey Jack, Brie, Cheddar,         Swiss, Gouda, and American cheese after a meal or as a snack prevents tooth decay. This is like the     foremost of the health benefits of cheese.

    2. Cancer Prevention:

    One of the least spoken off cheese health benefit is that it can prevent cancer. Cheese contains             conjugated Linoleic Acid and Sphingolipids that play a very important function in cancer prevention.       This also contains Vitamin B that maintains the body functions and protects the body from diseases.

    3. Weight Gain:

    It has loads of natural fats that can lead to weight gain. Some cheeses have low-fat content which is       useful to keep your body weight balanced. This also helps to gain body weight, muscle weight and         bone density. Cheese contains fat, calcium, proteins, vitamins and minerals which make muscles and     bones strong along with a balanced metabolism.

    4. Bone Strength:

    It is a very rich source of calcium and Vitamin B. Thus, it is very good for the bone health of elderly         people, children and pregnant and lactating mothers to strengthen their bones. Vitamin B found in         cheese absorbs and distributes the calcium in the body.

    5. Osteoporosis:

    Osteoporosis is caused due to deficit of calcium. Cheese is the best natural way to improve the bone     health to prevent osteoporosis. Cheese contains protein, calcium, and a high intake of vitamins and       minerals that can treat osteoporosis.

    6. High Blood Pressure:

    Sodium and cholesterol can cause high blood pressure. Cheese contains sodium that depends on         the amount of salt mixed in milk. Low-sodium cheese is also available that reduces heart disease.           Vitamin B in cheese is found to be useful in reducing high blood pressure.

    7. Smooth Pregnancy:

    Cheese is useful for smooth pregnancy. Calcium content in cheese is very good for pregnant women.     This helps to stimulate contractions during labor. This is also useful when it comes to proper milk            production to feed the baby.

     8. PMS:

     Cheese reduces PMS problems and its associated symptoms in women.

     9. Skin:

     Cheese is considered excellent for your skin health, since it contains Vitamin B. This is useful to              maintain supple, healthy and glowing skin. So, now you can think of including cheese in your diet.

    10. Migraine:

    Cheese can be helpful to cure migraine headaches. Calcium intake reduces the problem of                     migraines. Cheese is also the best source of calcium.

    11. Immune System:

     Cheese is useful to facilitate your immune system. Some types of cheese give positive results for the      proper functioning of the immune system. This can reduce illness and diseases.

    12. Glow to the Skin:

   Healthy skin is desired by every individual and cheese can be helpful to provide your skin with the          much-needed glow. It contains Vitamin B which aids cell metabolism and growth of cells, giving you a      glowing skin and it also helps you to get rid of blemishes.

    13. Helps in Sleep:

    Cheese is found beneficial to stimulate sleep. This cures insomnia. Cheese includes Tryptophan, an       amino acid which lowers stress and helps to induce sleep.

    14. Hair Health:

    Low-fat cottage cheese is filled with protein. Include this in your breakfast or lunch with eggs, fresh         berries or fruit. Cottage cheese is also a rich source of calcium which is useful to maintain healthy           and shiny hair. is very awesome about cheese..!!
Don't forget to try the recipe..:)

Thursday 10 April 2014

Chocolate Bar Cake..!!

Hola hola everyone...^_^
So,this time i would like to share with you all...what?
Haaa...Chocolate Bar Cake..!!...awesome..^_^
Let's us watch this video and try it..!!

wow..!!! the step is very very easy..!!!
just take a few minutes,,then tadaaaaaaaaaa......Your chocolate bar cake is served..!!

We can eat our chocolate bar cake with our family during tea's time..!!
wow......!!! wonderland...HAHA..=D

pRactise make perfect..!!
Have a nice day..:)
till then...bye..:)

Monday 31 March 2014

Cake Balls..^_^..yummy..!!

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone...:)
So,,this time i would like to share with you all..what?
Hmm,,let's us do the cake balls..!!
Just  a simple steps and only take a few minutes..^_^

Cake balls are small spheres of reconstituted cake crumbs, coated with chocolate or frosting. They are made by blending cake crumbs with icing, shaping them to form a ball and then dipping them in a coating, such as melted chocolate. Cake balls were originally created from the crumbs of leftover or stale cake to prevent waste.
Cake balls do not have the consistency of the traditional sweetened, baked and leavened cakes, but have a consistency similar to dough which can be attributed to the blending of the cake crumbs and icing. Cake balls are sold in various bakeries as well as mall kiosks; they are also available to be purchased as gifts. The bite-sized snacks may be displayed on a stick (known as a cake pop), and can be decorated with ribbon. They are especially popular during the holiday months.
Cake balls can be decorated with toppings in a variety of ways, using such items as sprinklesnuts, chocolate shavings, candy, otherconfectionery toppings, to name a few. Almond bark or confectionery coating are often used as alternatives to chocolate, and can be easily melted in a microwave oven before dipping. Vegan and gluten-free cake balls also exist.

Have a nice day with your cake balls..
Don't forget to share with me..^_^

Friday 28 March 2014


Hola hola everyone..haha..
ok..this time i want to share with you all..what?..hmm..
ok,,Do you love pancakes,,? do you want something that very simple for breakfast??
Let's us watch this video..!! Just simple and only take a few minutes..^_^

Opss..before you practise on how to do the pancakes,,visit this link first..something special for you all..^_^)

Then,,let's go to------> watch this video and practise wisely..!!!

Let's us watch this video---> Pingu's also do their own pancakes..^_^

Just simple,,no need to strees on doing it..and no need to rush..^_^
Hope we will meet again..see you next time..
Wish all of you-----> Good luck in everthing you do..till then..:)